Purpose and Goals:
Effective /Efficient use of resources includes land use. This meshed with our clients interest in co-housing. In this instance a building was to be made up of 4 independent apartments, each 1000 sq.ft. as well as  a shared space within a larger home. High on the agenda; the best indoor air quality as the clients shared an interest in toxic-free living.

Innovative Techniques: The solar power system designed by us is new to Canada and is seamlessly integrated into the standing seem metal roof construction. Co-housing in toxic-free home improves client health and sense of community.

Implementation: All materials were to be free of toxic off gassing. Since completion the house our material choices have proven to be effective. While being highly allergic to a variety of toxic compounds our clients are feeling better. Several visiting parties have stayed in the house for a period to restore their health.

Demonstration Results: The design process helped inspire one of  the clients to begin and complete the Masters in Landscape Architecture programme at U of T. Since graduation the client has begun a consulting firm, specializing in environmental and community design –

Cost/Beneifts: The solar power system designed by us is unique in Canada.  At $ 25K it was the preferred investment, compared to a similar priced car. The extra car was no longer necessary due to the co-housing arrangements. The PV system Supplies 33% of the power needs and gains in value as the cost of real estate rises.

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