A meeting of two worlds, past and future, is the essence of the dormitories which will sit lightly at Tranquility Base, Space Museum in Huntsville, Alabama. The stacks of high-tech cylinders, housing 340 teen-aged space campers, touch an earth plane emphasizing natural materials and forms which are indigenous to man and his rituals. The roots of our culture, earthlings’ storeytelling and the mystic stuff of science fiction provide the foundation for that leap of the imagination which has carried man into space. Therefore it was felt that these human links with earth be present symbolically, juxtaposed with the rocket-like forms above which suggest travel into less familiar realms.

A 1985 Canadian Architect Award winning project. The concept of this Space Dormitory revolves around creating other worldly spaces that are self sufficient, educational and fun.

Project team:
Contract Architects - Goodrum Knowles
Electrical Consultant - Oscar Ellis
Mechanical Consultant - Smith Seckman & Ried

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