TEKNION (2003)

The Teknion workstation is designed to provide personal control over the immediate atmosphere the user occupies.  Individual control of the systems that deliver comfort fosters awareness of one's environment and establishes personal accountability for tuning each workstation to operate efficiently.

Tremendous amounts of energy are used to heat and cool buildings, conditioning large volumes of space in a way that rarely provides ideal comfort levels.  The proposed workstation is a comprehensive work environment that responds to the user's particular requirements. Similar to the way clothing acts as a second skin, this workstation acts as a third skin in its ability to effectively modulate the atmosphere to suit our senses. 

A thermostatically controlled foot warmer, cool storage and manual heat pump are placed within the structural base.  Water supply/drainage pipes and return ducts need to be incorporated, preferably via a raised floor.  The furniture system can be configured to create zones that are ON when inhabited and OFF when not in use.

If the electricity cost average is $ 1.53 p/sf.* , when energy use is cut by 50% it offers a saving of $ 0.75 p/sf. Assuming a 50% drop in energy use with tête à tête.  This concept can save a 100.000 sqft. building $ 75.000,- in energy, annually.
*Figure based on Building owners and Managers Association’s Experience Exchange report 1991

If an office worker’s cost is $130 p/sf.* and when this office worker feels healty it’s productivity can be boosted by 5% generating $10 p/sf. Profit annually.  Some examples of sustainable design around the globe report productivity gains of 7% to 15%.** Assuming a modest 8% rise in worker productivity with tête à tête can generate for a 100.000 sqft. building  $ 800.000,- profit, annually.
                                    *Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1991
                                    **Cool Companies by Joseph J. Romm, 1999

Sustainable furniture should evolve into a type of living organism that requires light, energy and air to operate and rejuvenate.  Certain parts can then be taken from the workstation to be replenished.  Tête à Tête incorporates various environmental products and materials already developed and in production.  The armature is also comprised of custom membranes that filter light and air naturally.

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