Purpose and Goals: the client’s main goal was to live in a house using energy efficient, earth-friendly technologies without sacrificing any of the modern conveniences. They were willing to explore both high and low-tech solutions.

Innovative Techniques: The house incorporates photovoltaic power, passive solar heating, use of local natural materials, recycling of rain water, hydrotech green roof and straw bale insulated walls. Additionally, the Wilson House generates its own electricity through the use of wind turbine, allowing the grid supply meter to run backwards.

Implementation: Our client was so deeply moved by the way we had designed his new home, he was inspired to create a website, write a book and produce a movie about the experience. He has also conducted workshops on how to make changes to one’s way of life as well as an event entitles “Sunfest”, an open house which 1800 people attended in the wake of the previous major power outage.

Demonstration Results: The house received the National Post/Design Exchange award for sustainability.

Cost/Beneifts: Over the life of the wind turbine, it can eliminate approximately 1.3 tons of air pollutants and 200 tons of greenhouse gases. Excess energy is essentially sold back to the grid.

Straw bale increased insulated walls              
Solar Panels                                                   
Radiant In-Floor Heating                               
Green Roof                                                    
Water Cistern
Passive Solar Heating
Wind Turbine Energy
Solar Chimney Ventilation
Rainwater Collection and Management

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